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Fiber Optic equipment

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首页 > Products > Optical Time Domain Reflectometer |Fiber Optic OTDR
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer |Fiber Optic OTDR
单价 $1050.00 / unit对比
销量 暂无
浏览 8
发货 Chinashanghai预售,付款后20天内
库存 100unit起订1unit
品牌 Baudcom
Dimension 252*180*55cm; about 1.8kg
Linearity 0.03dB/dB
Loss resolution 0.001dB
过期 长期有效
更新 2022-12-10 09:26
 Baudcom 6000 series optical time domain reflectometer can used to test single-mode wavelengths of 1310nm, 1550nm, 1490nm, 1625nm and 1650nm, multi-mode wavelengths of 850nm and 1300nm as well as customized special wavelengths. The fiber optic otdr provides multiple optional modules, such as single wavelength, multi-wavelength and online test. With the maximum dynamic range of up to 50dB, the device can be used for remote multi-branch communication network test. The OTDR designed with a minimum event dead zone of 0.5m which makes the near connection easy to be supervised, and the lowest sampling resolution of 2.5cm which enables it to locate the event point accurately.

The Fiber Optic OTDR has 200km test distance, supports IOLM function. The optical time domain reflectometer is also designed with multiple convenient functional options, internal VFL (visible red light source), laser source, optical power meter and fiber end face inspection tester as an option, multi-language display and input.


  • maximum dynamic range of 50dB, and 256k data sampling points.
  • online test of PON network
  • 1625nm online detection module with filter is available as a option for a online FTTx/PON detection.
  • Integrated mono-mode and multi-mode test.
  • Realtime measuring function, convenient to monitor the splicing process.
  • Internal large power visual laser source for accurate positioning the closer fault point.
  • Internal stable laser source.
  • Optical power meter function is offered as a option.
  • Warnning function could prevent module of OTDR damaged by optical signal.
  • PC Remote access and control function is available via RJ45 interface.
  • Support multi-language display and input, friendly interface, visual keyboard capable.