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首页 > Products > S Type Drop Wire Clamp for Drop Cable with Galvanized hook
S Type Drop Wire Clamp for Drop Cable with Galvanized hook
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发货 Chinashanghai预售,付款后20天内
库存 10000unit起订100unit
品牌 Baudcom
Width 38.1mm(1 1/2 inches)
Length 76.2mm(3 inches)
过期 长期有效
更新 2022-12-13 17:25
 S Type drop wire clamp with galvanized hook is used for the attachment of external connection drop fiber cables of 1 pair of conductors in parallel, 0.9 mm in diameter, for use in the customer network. It is also called cable tension clamps, are used for drop fiber cable in FTTH, FTTX, FTTB solutions.  Gota abrazadera fibra clamp wire is equipped with perforated shim, which increase the tension load on drop fiber cable.

Baudcom provide most of aerial fiber clamps and drop fiber mounting fittings, for example, J hook Suspension Clamp for ADSS fiber, Drop Wire Span Clamp etc. Optical fiber wire clamps should be picked up according to mechanical resistance and diameter of cables’ messenger.

Tension clamp Material:

The material is ABS plastic (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), black, resistant to ultraviolet light, moisture, salts and

temperature changes and do not conduct current.